Aspects Of Hyssop And Its Properties


Plants and trees are always considered as divine creatures since it has lots of holistic properties. Plants even find a place in “The Bible”. Some of the holy plants that are mentioned in the bible are Rubus sanctus, Acacia, Aloe, Anise, Bdellium, Beans, Cane, Bramble, Broom, Castor oil and Cedar of Lebanon. This topic will deal with an herbaceous plant named Hyssop. The botanical name of this plant is [symple_highlight color=”blue”]Hyssopus officinalis[/symple_highlight]. This plant comes under the family Lamiaceae and it is native to Southern Europe, the Middle East, and the region surrounding the Caspian Sea.


This plant achieves a height of 60 cm. Straight branches grow from the stem base which is generally woody. The dark green laceolate leaves measure 2 to 2.5 cm long. The color of the fragrant flowers is pink, blue and white. This plant appears in the bible. In Egypt the priest used to ear the leaves along with the diet for purifying their body. It grows well under full sun and warm climates. Hyssop is drought tolerant and grows in chalky, sandy soils. The plant is harvested twice a year, once at the end of the spring and at the beginning of the fall.

Aspects Of Hyssop



Hyssop is a beautiful and well-behaved plant in the mint family. The older plants form rounded bushes whereas the younger one is looser. Hyssop is an evergreen plant in the areas where the winter is mild. Plants bloom from summer to fall. Hyssop came to North America during 1631. When it was bought to N. America it was considered as a garden plant. Now it has escaped from it and found in roadsides and other waste places.

Various Uses

  • The oil is also used as eye drops and mouthwash.
  • The herb is used for gastrointestinal system.
  • Few European women sniff the flowers to help them stay awake during church services.
  • Hyssop is also used for treating snakebite, expelling stomach worms, numb joints, severe lung infection, ringing ears, lice and epilepsy, rheumatic disorders, asthma, viral and other diseases.
  • The Romans made a herbal wine liqueurs.
  • Since Hyssop plant has perfumery properties it is used to mask bad smells.
  • The dried leaves can be strewn on the floor to remove bad odor.
  • Hyssop leaves are also used in bathing water since it has soothing effect on the skin.
  • Cooled hyssop tea when splashed in face will remove oil from the skin.
  • It grows well as a hedge plant.
  • This medicinal plant is used for the treatment of antiseptic, cough reliever and expectorant.
  • The fresh leaves are used during cooking.
  • The plant is used by keepers to produce honey.
  • The leaves are used a condiment and has a bitter taste.
  • The herb is used in small proportions while cooking.
  • The essential oil is used as an expectorant for treating cough and cold.
  • The leaves are also used as antiseptic since it has a chemicals thujone and phenol.


[symple_box color=”blue” fade_in=”false” float=”center” text_align=”left” width=””]The oil should be taken in exact proportions since if taken wrongly may lead to many diseases like convulsions and seizures.[/symple_box]

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