Pili Nuts Nutrition Guide and Healthy Eating
Pili Nuts
Pili nut scientifically known as Canarium ovatum belongs to the family of Burseraceae. The Pili nut comes from the Pili tree. The Pili tree is large evergreen tree, which is hardy tree with the flowers, fruits, leaves and trunks. The leaves are compound and arranged on either side, typically in pairs opposite each other. The flowers are whitish yellow in color. It consists of both male and female organs. The Fruits are oval in shape and purple in color. The fruit pulp is edible. When the fruits ripen it becomes brown in color and the shell becomes hard. The Pili nut resides inside it.
How it is Cultivated
The Pili tree is cultivated in deep, fertile and drained soil. It can tolerate in warm temperatures but not in cold temperatures. Seeds for planting should be selected from newly Harvested tree. The seeds are scattered in the seed bed. When the seed germinates, Plant them in the pot and water it regularly. The seed is ready to plant when the pair of leaves emerges. The tree will start to produce fresh Pili nuts in few years.
Where it is Grown and Consumed
The Pili nut is native to Southern Luzon. It is also cultivated in Southeast Asia, Malaysia and in Philippines. The Pili nut is sweet and nutty flavor. It can be eaten in raw or roasted. It can be mixed with honey, roasted and served. It can be used in salads.
Nutrition Value
The Pili nut is low in cholesterol and sodium. But it has high levels of saturated fats. It contains vitamins such as Vitamin A, C, E and B6. It is rich in Carbohydrate content in it. The Pili nut is rich minerals such as Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, and Copper. The Pili nut is also rich in Proteins.
Health Benefits
- Because the Pili nut has saturated fats it does not helps to loss body weight at the most.
- It helps in the proper functioning of immune system in the body.
- The Pili nut consists of minerals which help to protect nerves system in the body.
- The Pili nut used for stress relief for the people who is always in stress.
- It cures digestive problems in the body.
- The Pili nut is used for HIV and cancer diseases.
- It is well suited for the diabetes patients.
- It increases bone and teeth strength.
The Pili nuts are used in Medicines. The Pili tree produces sticky flammable organic substance which is insoluble in water used for making Plastics and inks. The Pili nut is used in cosmetic Industries. The Pili nut is a healthy food.