Cabbage Home Remedies-Cabbage Health Benefits
CABBAGE CABBAGE USED FOR MOUTH ULCER Cabbage can be used as a natural remedy to…
About Asparagus
The arrival of spring season is marked by the fresh picking of asparagus. Scientifically known as Asparagus Officinalis, is a native of Europe, northern Africa and western Asia where it is widely cultivated as a vegetable crop. Growing asparagus is a labor intensive work as it takes 3 years for the initial crown planting before the harvester harvest the crop and earns revenue out of it. Peru is the largest exporter of this plant, exporting about 40.97% followed by Mexico that exports 22.93% and U.S exporting about 9.51%. There are about 300 varieties of asparagus with only 20 that are fit for consumption.
Asparagus is a spear shaped vegetable and is considered a delicacy since time immemorial. During ancient times it was also used for its medicinal properties. The Roman used to eat it fresh and raw during its season and dried the vegetable for its use in winter. They even froze it high in the Alps for the feast of Epicurus. Roman emperors had special Asparagus fleets that would gather the best asparagus and bring it back to them. Its fleshy spears topped with buds is thought as one of the most prized vegetables as its only available for the season of spring. While the most common type of asparagus is green in colour, there is also white asparagus that is more tender and delicate in flavour when compared to the green asparagus and also the purple asparagus which grows just 2 to 3 inches tall which is comparatively smaller than its other varieties.
Asparagus Nutrition Facts
Health Benefits
Interesting Facts
Vegetables are an essential part of any kids and adult’s diet, no matter what their age!
Asparagus for Stress
Very beneficial as it lifts our mood and helps us to cope with Stress.
Known as the most nutritionally well balanced vegetables in existence It is a wholesome vegetable that nourishes your body with vital nutrient. It is rich in folic acid, Folacin plays a pivotal role in prevention of neural tube defects such as spina bifida, that causes paralysis and death in 2500 babies every year. It is low in calorie content with only 20 calories per 5.3 ounce of serving i.e 4 calories per spear. A 5.3 oz of serving provides 60% of the recommended nutrients used for blood cell formation, growth and prevention of liver disease. Asparagus grown in Himalayan regions is used to make ayurvedic medicine used to cure digestive disorders.
How to Enjoy Asparagus
It is renowned for its anti cancer benefits as a result of its very strong anti –inflammatory and anti oxidant property it shows signs of reducing the risk of chronic cancer. This spear shaped vegetable is also known for slowing down aging process and reduces the cell damage. It has abundance of Riboflavin which helps in reducing the frequency of migraine headaches and how long they last in people who suffer from it. Apart from its health benefits asparagus is also considered to be one of the top food aphrodisiac. Due to its rich vitamin c content asparagus is considered to keep sperm healthy as well as increase its volume and mobility.
This vegetable is so profound that it has a museum dedicated to its being. European Asparagus museum located in Schrobenhausen, Bavaria, Germany that captures everything about Asparagus from its history to its cultivation everything under one roof.