Borage Greens Plants and trees live a life with purpose and disappear from the earth after living for many years. Millions of birds take shelter on the trees and eat…
Interesting Facts Plants and trees occupy most parts of the planet and grow lavishly in nooks and corners of the earth. The plants give healthy flowers, fruits and nuts which…
Arracacha "There are hundreds of plant species under the ocean beds, and many living organisms depend on them for day- to- day living. Millions of fish eat algae and other…
Arame Plants and trees play a predominant role in preserving ecosystems. Earth had millions of plant species thousands of year back which is now dwindling at rapid speed due to…
Aonori Nutritional value Seeds germinate fast only to become a full grown tree in a short span of time. This action goes on forever on this beautiful earth. Hundreds of plants…
American Pokeweed "Hundreds of trees grow very tall and dance along with other trees. The activities of the trees are worth observing. Though many plants are dependent on water, few…
Amaranth "Plants and trees multitask round the clock, and their lives are easily predictable. Hundreds of animals and birds live in the trees and feed themselves by eating fruits. It…
Ahipa "Flowers give honey, whereas plants produce various delicious fruits that are loved by animals and human beings. Plants and trees lead a natural life, supporting the earth by exhaling…
About Artichoke Scientifically known as Cynara scolymus, artichoke is a vegetable that has a very rich history.The legend has it that when Greek god Zeus was on his way to…
About Chinese Cabbage Chinese cabbage is also scientifically known as Brassica Pekinensis. Cabbage family is an extended family and has many varieties and variation to it. There are two distinct…