Chamomile – An Age Old Medicinal Wonder With Countless Health Benefits
Chamomile – An Age Old Medicinal Wonder With Countless Health Benefits!
Whether you are coming back to home after a long day at work or a tiring trip, do not hesitate to have a cup of chamomile tea before retiring to your bed. Known for its relaxing effects, chamomile is a great solution to those cramps, sleepless nights and sessions of morning sickness. The good thing is that it does not interfere with your day to day activities like sedative pills. So, are you interested to gain the full insight into its health benefits? Let’s explore Chamomile from its origin!
Chamomile – Its Hidden History, Cultivation And Use!
Its scientific name is Matricaria Recutita. Chamomile species are spread over many parts of Europe, Africa and Asia. The people of Britain have always given it a special place in their gardens for its long list of medicinal virtues. The whole plant has a feathery outlook, which blooms at the end of summer and has beautiful yellow to white flowers. It prefers dry, sandy soils to grow and does not require high maintenance. It is extensively used in tonics, herbal teas and antispasmodic infusions.
Some Interesting Nutrition Facts About Chamomile!
Since middle ages, it has been named as plant’s physician. Today, it is cultivated in many countries like turkey, morocco, Spain, Italy, France from where it has managed to be a part of other traditional medicinal systems. It’s essential oils are filled with flavonoids and other therapeutic agents. It is used in soaps, perfumes, talcum powders and mouthwashes.
Source: quiethealthy
Explore The Ocean of Health Benefits of Chamomile Below!
1) Chamomile Works As An Antispasmodic:
One of the safest herbs to use, chamomile has a soothing and gentle effect. It is known for healing muscle pains, menstrual cramps and cold chills. It simply smoothens the stiff muscles – leading to an instant relaxation.
2) It is Known For Its Anti-inflammatory Properties:
Chamomile is highly appreciated for its anti-inflammatory nature. It works wonder in treating eye infections and irritations. It even helps in case of conjunctivitis. Chamomile is a main ingredient in toothpastes and mouthwashes to combat oral inflammations. It heals bleeding gums and mouth sores.
3) A Skin friendly Spice:
It reduces skin rashes, sunburn, itching and eczema. It is usually applied, topically, in the form of chamomile essential oil-based creams or ointments. Chamomile extracts penetrate into the skin and provide an instant relief. It is also used in skin dressings and bandages. It speeds up any wound healing process. It’s essential oil can be added to water for a cool bath to take care of skin irritations because of its useful anti-bacterial properties.
4) It Gives Digestion A Helping Hand:
It proves to be a great help in tackling gastro-diseases like heartburn, flatulence, irritable bowel and bowel inflammation disorder named Crohn’s syndrome. The herb also relieves nausea and stomach ache. It fights infections around stomach lining and eventually, it soothes out the stomach muscles.
5) Chamomile Calms Nervous System:
It acts as a good deal of anti-anxiety drug. It takes care of stress related problems very well.
Having chamomile infused tea can help in treating insomnia. It decreases the symptoms like restlessness and fidgeting.
Chamomile Health Benefits!
Chamomile is surely an effective herb with pleasant aroma and a solution to our pains, infections and skin irritations. Chamomile can be used in the form of tea, infusion or concoction to include it in the diet. Alternately, it can be consumed in the form of supplements but only after prescribed recommendation from a physician. Let’s make Chamomile a lifetime habit and reap its immense health benefits!