Chilean Hazel And Its Nutritional Value
Chilean Hazel
Life cannot exist in this world without the plants and trees. Selecting some of the unique trees and studying their origins is quite interesting. Plants either give out flowers or fruits depending upon their nature. It is beautiful to watch seeds germinating from the earth and sprouting wonderfully on the surface with its own elegance. This topic will give a rough idea about Chilean Hazel which is commonly found in the country of Chile. This mind blowing tree is also found in the neighboring country which is none other than Argentina. This tree has both flowers and fruits and the botanical name for this tree is Gevuina avellana. This extraordinary tree generally grows in high altitudes and requires well drained good quality soil. It requires lots of water and sunlight. These trees which grow in mountainous regions are also found in various places of South America. The colors of the flowers are creamy white. These classic trees which are found in South America grow up to 20 m height and have very rich leaves.
Nutritional Value
- People cultivate this tree for the nuts which have lots of nutrients.
- This ornamental plant is very rich in honey and that is the reason hundreds of bees swamps this area.
- This tree which grows in moist area has various useful substances.
- Generally, people eat the seed either raw or cooked. It has lots of nutritional values and is rich in anti-oxidant.
- Hundreds of people also eat the roasted nuts since it improves the health condition.
- The farmers have to wait for at least 4 years for harvesting the nuts. These beautiful wild trees which have medicinal properties are very useful for human being.
- The nuts have Vitamin-E which is used for cosmetic purposes.
- The timber is used for doing musical instruments.
Harmful Effect
- Chilean hazel (Gevuina avellana) is a species of nut tree native to Chile. It is a highly nutritious and valuable food source, but unfortunately it is also potentially hazardous.
- It is known to contain potentially allergenic proteins, and ingestion of the nut or any products made with it can cause an allergic reaction in some people.
- Additionally, the plant has been known to contain traces of a neurotoxin called anacardic acid, which could cause liver or kidney damage if consumed in large quantities.
- Therefore, it is best to consult a healthcare professional before consuming Chilean hazel or any products made from it.