Cicely Unknown Benefits And Its Cultivation
Plants and trees are abundantly found in rainforests and are also found in many other thick forests. Majority portion of the plant species are found in rainforests and only minor portion are found in other forests. The annual rainfall in these forests is around 250 – 450 cm. There are two types of rain forests namely tropical and temperate. This topic will deal with an aromatic herbaceous plant named Cicely which belongs to family Apiaceae. The botanical name of this plant is Myrrhis odorata. It’s common names are weet cicely, myrrh, garden myrrh, and sweet chervil.
Sweet cicely is found in herb gardens and hedgerows. The plant grows to a height of 36 in and tiny white flowers appear during the spring to early summer.The fern like leaves have a smell of aniseed when crushed. It was once cultivated as culinary herb and now only occasionally cultivated.
They are easiest grown when sown directly outdoors in a seedbed in autumn.The seeds require several months of cold winter temperatures to germinate. This plant grows well under sun or partly shaded position with well-drained soil. It also grows well in moisture rich soil. This plant has a very long tap root and should be well-watered throughout the season. The leaves can be picked in late winter and again in late summer.
Unknown Benefits Of Cicely
- Diabetic patient can use the herb since it is a natural sweetener.
- This herb is also used in many savory items and sweet dishes.
- It has a delightful flavor.
- Sweet Cicely can be used in borders and beds, it flowers early and its ferny foliage, deeply lobed and toothed, set off by the white flowers compliments other flowers beautifully, it also smells divine.
- It is an attractive wildlife plant which attracts bees and beekeeper.
- All of the plants can be used and the flower is sweet.
- The leaves can be cooked like spinach and added to many soups, omelets and other salads.
- The roots can be consumed raw in salads or boiled and eaten like parsnips.
- They also make good wine.
- The seeds are also used as flavoring.
- Add the seeds into fruit salads and also add ice-cream. The taste will be delicious.
- Flower buds are also edible and can be used as decoration.
- The seed pods can be eaten like sweets.
- The leaves can be chopped off and added in many salads, stew and soups.
- It has lots of medicinal properties and can be used as tonic for curing digestive disorders.
- The old people will be benefitted a lot when they consume the leaves since it stimulates energy and stamina.