Endive Medicinal Properties | List Of Vegetables



Trees have immense strength and reaches different heights during its lifetime. Birds nestle on the branch and animals eat the fruits and nuts happily. Earth has ocean of plants and trees that are helpful for human species. Trees and plants help human being and other species a lot. On the other hand human being cuts down hundreds of shady trees with his destructive axe. This topic will deal with a unique leafy vegetable plant named Endive which has lots of minerals and vitamins. The botanical name of this plant is Cichorium endivia.

The other common names of this plant are escarole and Batavia. Endive produces thick leaves and beautiful flowers on the stems that stand way above the leafy foliage. Endive is a low growing, ruffled plant that grows up to 25 cm tall. Endive is used in many American restaurants and these plants have bitter taste unlike other plants. The leaves are large and form a rosette like cabbages. Since the leaves are extremely bitter they are blanched before consumption. The leaves lose various nutrients during this process. This easy to harvest plant prefers well-drained moist soil, but grows well in other soils like sandy, loamy and clay. The flowers have both male and female organs. It is in flower during the month of July. The seeds are generally pollinated by bees. Endive is also a chicory, but a distinct species from the common chicory.

Medicinal Values



  • The vitamins that are found in this plant are Vitamin A and K.
  • This plant is also in high fiber content.
  • Endive is used as a resolved and cooling medicine.
  • It improves the digestive system and liver disease to a very great extent.
  • The root of this plant has also few medicinal properties.
  • It is administered for treating dyspepsia and fevers.
  • The fruits are used to treat fevers, headaches and improving the function of liver.
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