Olida Growth Health Benefits And Its Medicinal Uses
Olida Growth And Its Medicinal Uses
Flowers generally take a center-stage during many important meetings and social gatherings.
The homemakers place few flowers in the flower vase and businessmen use them in the vase or decorate during important meetings.
The conference room or auditorium will look stunning when it is decorated with beautiful and exotic flowers.
This topic will deal with a plant named olida which is also known as the Strawberry Gum. The botanical name of this plant is Eucalyptus olida.
How its Grown
- It is a medium-sized tree which attains a height of 20 m.
- It is found abundantly in sclerophyll woodlands on the Northern Tablelands of New South Wales, in Eastern Australia.
- The mature trees have fibrous bark and the cream colored flowers are followed by small woody capsules.
- The dull green ovate juvenile leaves are 7 cm long and glossy green adult leaves are 17 cm long.
Medicinal Uses
- The aromatic leaves are used as bush food spice.
- It falls under the threatened species category and it cultivated for its essential oil and spice qualities.
- The essential oils are derived from the leaves and are used in flavoring and perfumery.
- The chemical compound found in the oil is methyl cinnamate.
- The dried leaves are used in tea and other bush food cooking.
- The trade names of this plant are ‘olida’ and ‘forestberry herb’.
- The leaves are rich in anti-oxidant and can be used as free radical quencher.
- This plants need full sunlight and tolerant of low soil fertility.
- It always prefers well-drained soil.
Health Benefits of olida
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