Stonebreaker – Gale of the wind
Stonebreaker Growth And Medicinal Properties
Plants leaves have more vitamins and minerals than other parts and they are used for medicinal purposes. Indians were using some of the leaves as plates and even now many leaves are used as plates.
Some of the leaves that are used as plates are patravalli which is also called khali and banana leaves. Indians use both the leaves in festivals, ceremonies and other religious functions.
These leaves are very famous in South India. In Tamil Nadu, the Banana leaves will be cut into small portions and will be given a cup-shape and stitched with threads or wood pieces. The offerings will be stuffed in these cups and supplied to the devotees.
This topic will deal with a plant Stonebreaker which is also called gale of the wind and seed-under-leaf. The botanical name of this plant is Phyllanthus niruri.
Stonebreaker Common Names
Spanish people call this plant as chanco pidra and portugese call this plant as sampa-sampalukan.
The Ayurvedic experts call this plant as Bhumyamalaki.
In Tamil it is called as “Keezha Nelli”. Tamilians use this plant for the treatment of jaundice or yellow fever.
The eastern countries call this plant in various names including dukong anak, dukong-dukong anak, amin buah, rami buah, turi hutan, bhuiaonla, and meniran hijau.
Stonebreaker Growth
- This plant reaches a height of 70 cm and has herbaceous branches.
- The color of the flowers is pale green and the leaves are alternate and arranged in two rows.
- The smooth bark is light green in color.
- The fruits are tiny smooth capsules which contains seeds.
Medicinal Properties
- Ayurvedic experts use this plant for treating stomach, genitourinary system, liver, kidney and spleen.
- It has anti-hepatitis B properties and it is also used for treating kidney stones.
- The extracts of the plants have lots of medicinal properties other than the curative properties that are mentioned above.
- It can cure liver diseases, lower the cholesterol, reduces growth of hepatitis B virus, has antifungal, antiviral, liver cirrhosis, diuretic, stomachic, Menorrhagia, Leucorrhea, remove toxins, hypertension, anemia, leprosy, ringworm and menstrual problems.
- The root extracts are used in massage oils, body lotions and hair oil.
- If a person eats a small portion of the leaf regularly his immunity power will increase drastically.