Amaranth Destem Nutrition And Medicinal Benefits

Amaranth Destem Nutrition And Medicinal Benefits

Amaranth Destem

“Amaranthus is a cosmopolitan species of annual or transitory perennial plant that is cultivated as leaf vegetables, pseudocereals, and ornamental plants. Collectively known as amaranth, they are commonly referred to as pigweed.

The word ‘Amaranth’ is derived from Greek, ‘amarantos’ meaning unfading. Amaranth has its roots during the Aztecs period, i.e., Pre-Columbian Mesoamerican people of central Mexico period, the seeds of Amaranth were the staple food and it is believed that they have been used for centuries to make many dishes.

Research suggests that the Aztecs referred to amaranth as ‘huauhtli’, and before the Spanish conquest, it is thought to have represented up to 80% of their caloric consumption.

This topic will deal with a plant named Amaranth Destem. The Scientific name of this plant is Amaranthus.”

It has been used to prepare ritual drinks and foods, throughout Mesoamerica and the grains of it are toasted much like popcorn and mixed with honey, molasses or chocolate to make a treat called alegría, which means “joy” in Spanish and it is followed to this day.
With a resemblance of spinach in appearance, amaranth leaves are a powerhouse of Vitamins, minerals and iron.

Amaranth Destem Growth

  • The leaves of amaranth come in a variety of colors ranging from purple and red to green or gold in color.
  • They are predominantly found in the foothills of The Himalayas to the coasts of south India.
  • It was during a few years back, the importance of the seeds of this plant was uncovered and from that time it had gained much popularity for their health benefiting properties.
  • Furthermore, they were classified under the superfood segment thereafter.

Nutrition And Health Benefits

  • With innumerable health benefits, the leaves of Amaranth are rich in calcium, iron, potassium, vitamin A, A1, B2, and C.
  • Having said that, they are highly beneficial in the treatment of respiratory disorders like Asthma, chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis etc.
  • Considered as a blessing, these leaves are highly beneficial during pregnancy and lactation; also it prevents the retarded growth in children, works well for premature aging and reduces bleeding tendencies during menstruation.
  • The leaves of amaranth, apart from exuding the aforesaid benefits, they are deemed to be an effective measure against hair loss, eczema, and acne.
  • Contributing to dental care, it works as an effective oral rinse for treating gum related conditions.

Amaranth Destem Uses

  • It can be prepared like regular spinach and can be added to soups and stir-fries tossed with pasta, sautéed as a side dish, or can also be served in salads.
  • There are ornamental varieties of amaranths which are not used for food.
  • Seeing that it has high protein and fiber content, unlike true grains, amaranths are not prairies so the grains of it contain no gluten.
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