Saigon Cinnamon Growth Facts And Uses
Saigon Cinnamon Growth Facts And Uses
There are lots of latest video games related to trees and plants. Efloria is a wonderful video game developed by Alex May and Rudolf Kremers.
It was named after the Dyson tree hypothesis by Freeman Dyson that a tree-like plant could grow on a comet. This sensational video game was released for Microsoft Windows in 2009.
This topic will deal with a plant named Saigon Cinnamon. The botanical name of this plant is Cinnamomum loureiroi.
The other common names of this plant are Vietnamese cinnamon or Vietnamese cassia and Quế Trà My or Quế Thanh or ” Quế Trà Bồng” in Vietnam.
Native And Production
- This plant is indigenous to Southeast Asia.
- It is related to cassia.
- Saigon has 1 to 5% essential oil in content and 25% cinnamaldehyde in essential which is the highest of all species.
- Major producer of Saigon is Vietnam, used domestically and also exported to other countries.
Saigon Cinnamon Growth And Facts
- The Vietnam War disrupted the production and after 21st century Vietnam started exporting to other countries.
- Quang Ngai province of Vietnam produces major share.
- Saigon is grown for its aromatic bark.
- Vietnamese use Saigon in one of their delicious soups.
- This wonderful evergreen plant achieves a height of 9m and has coriacesous leaves which are 20 cm long.
- Saigon hermaphrodite flowers blossom during the months of Jan – Mar.
- The bark is 30 cm long and 30 mm broad.
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