Soynut Traditional Uses and Health Benefits
Soynut is scientifically called as Glycine max and come under the category of dense food, and contain rich amounts of nutrients even in their small servings. However, one must take utmost care about not doing over-eating with these nuts as they also contain a good amount of fats and calorific content.
Intake of soynuts as salad toppings or snacks in moderate quantities regularly boosts up your health providing you with a variety of essential nutrients. Soynuts are also rich in fiber and healthy fats that facilitates proper metabolism in your body. Soynuts are easily made by soaking soybeans in water and then either draining, baking or roasting. Soynuts can be well used in place of nuts.
This delectable snack food is best to consume when crunchy. The process of preparing this snack food is quite similar to that of preparing peanuts. Soy nuts are legumes that are known as the true nuts. These nuts contain all of the essential amino acids that the human body requires. However, the inherent substances within soy beans make this food risky with severe health hazards. It is one of those crops that are genetically modified.
Soynuts serve as healthy snacks when compared to other snacks. Soynuts can be deep-fried or dry roasted. These nuts resemble peanuts in texture and flavor, but are much healthier than the peanuts. Salt and paprika are two commonly found flavors’ in the nuts. Even chocolate and yoghurt are used to coat the nuts to give rise to a new food product.
Traditional values and availability
In Japan, roasted soy nuts are very popular, where they are used as a major ingredient in the ritual purification celebrations. The nuts also find their place in the Bean throwing ceremony wherein they are placed in and then tossed through an open window into air, which is eventually picked up by people, and the number of nuts picked by a person is believed to equal his age in number of years.
Consuming soynuts is an easy way to obtain isoflavones. The nuts are often used also in scientific studies that investigate the health benefits of isoflavones. Soynuts can be found in natural food stores and some grocery outlets. European subcontinent hardly sees any of these nuts available easily out in the market but one can order them online in that region.
Health Benefits and Nutrition Values
- Nutrient Density:
A 1/4-cup serving of dry-roasted soy nuts contains 194 calories. Despite this small serving size and relatively low caloric content, soy nuts contain high concentrations of protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals.
- Protein:
Soybeans and soy products are among the only plant products that give a source of all the essential amino acids. They are a source of complete or high-quality plant proteins.
- Fats:
Soynuts contain no cholesterol and a very less amount of saturated fats in a small serving. These nuts help raise the blood levels of HDL cholesterol and lower LDL cholesterol. Thus soynuts are heart-healthy nuts.
- Isoflavones:
Soynuts and soy products are the best natural sources of isoflavones, which are a compound class similar to the hormone estrogen.
Soynuts also have few side-effects on health which are as follows:
- Affects cardiovascular health majorly
- Menopause symptom alleviation
- High sodium contain leads to high blood pressure
- Osteoporosis
- Allergic reactions
- Gastrointestinal distress
- Hormone problems