Sponge Gourd – Makes you live healthy
Sponge Gourd
This is one of the healthiest green vegetables that belong to Luffa family. The scientific name of the plant is Luffa aegyptiaca and it belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae. It is also called as Egyptian cucumber and Vietnamese luffa. Native to Southeast Asia and south Asia, this plant is an annual trailing plant. This plant flourishes well in both tropical and subtropical climate. It also grows best in well-drained soils.
It is a strong, harsh and monoecious vine that has smooth and cylindrical fruits which are very much used in culinary applications. You can either prepare sponge gourd by frying it deep or making a special curry with it. It contains various minerals, vitamins, anti-oxidants, lipids and nutrients. Contains vitamin A and carbohydrates. Also, it is an excellent source of copper, manganese, potassium and magnesium.
Health benefits of Sponge Gourd
Acts as a blood purifier
If you want to live in a healthy way, try to base your meals with this kind of vegetable as it can do away with all the poisonous elements from the blood. This vegetable looks after the liver health and lessens the side effects caused due to the prolonged consumption of alcohol.
Contains diuretic properties
Being used as a purging medicine, this veggie stimulates the evacuation of the bowels with its healthy purgative qualities. Also, it helps reduce the blockage problems in the arteries and other related issues. It administers the stomach and defends it from harmful agents.
Helps in treating jaundice
Sponge gourd is recognized to have healthy properties that mend jaundice to a greater extent, they are often given sponge gourd soup to have better immune system to fight off the adverse elements. This vegetable soup is given to build up an insusceptible body structure against any harmful disease.
Maintains sugar level
This veggie contains insulin-like alkaloids and peptides that help maintain the sugar levels both in blood and urine. Enriched with magnesium, this veggie looks after the glucose metabolism.
Maintains the skin health
Sponge gourd has blood cleansing qualities and helps in skin health management. It helps clean the blood and avoid pimples and related inflammation. This veggie is rich in vitamin C and that helps lessen the wrinkles and dryness of skin, thereby slowing down the aging process. So, add sponge gourd to your diet and look young forever.
Prevents headaches
Magnesium content available in this veggie helps balance out the neurotransmitters within the entire body and offers solutions to migraines and headaches. According to a recent research, intake of 300 milligrams of magnesium everyday can lessen migraines significantly.
So, all set to get sponge gourd for you right? Fine that is. You should never overlook the importance of having this excellent veggie in your meals. Not only can you obtain various health benefits, but also you will be mesmerized with its amazing taste.