Balloon Vine Growth And Its Drawbacks
Balloon Vine Growth And Its Drawbacks
Even though the small pox disease has been completely eradicated from the earth other poxes such as chicken pox and measles are still prevalent through the world.
This diseases spread rapidly during summer season and many children suffer from them disease when they are not properly immunized with pox injection. During ancient days and even today, Indians use Neem leaves for curing these dangerous diseases.
The juvenile leaves will be plucked from the neem tree and it will be fanned on the body of the people suffering from the disease and the patient will be made to lay on the neem mattress.
The disease will vanish after few days. Indians consider the leaves very auspicious and use it in religious functions.
This topic will deal with a plant named Balloon vine. The botanical name of this plant is Cardiospermum grandiflorum. The other common names of this plant are Balloon vine, heartseed, heartseed vine.
Balloon Vine Native
This plant is native not only to Brazil and Argentia but also to southern Mexico and the Caribbean. It is natural in tropical areas of Australia and southern Africa. It is also considered an invasive plant in Kenya and Uganda.
Balloon Vine Growth
- It grows well in woodlands, forest areas, open spaces and other such secluded areas.
- This invasive climber is a perennial plant with ribbed stems.
- The stems, flower stalks and fruits arre all covered in bristly hairs.
- Compound leaves are made up to 3 lots of 3 leaflet and measures 16 cm long. leaflets are lobed.
- Fragrant rich white colored flowers have four petals which occur in cluster.
- The stalk of the flower-head ends in a pair of tendrils.
- The green colored fruit is an inflated capsule.
- The seeds are black and round with an oblong to heart-shaped spot.
- The seeds are dispersed by wind and water.
- This variety is similar to another closely relates species namely cardiospermum halicacabum which is also known as small balloon vine.
- The leaves of balloon vine measures 6-16 cm long, the flowers measures 6-11 mm long and the capsules measures 5-6.5 cm long.
- This plant is also grown as an ornamental plant in outside its native range.
Drawbacks And Facts
- This plant has got lots of negative impacts and considered as most invasive.
- It is a major weed in banks of watercourses in South Africa.
- It spreads beyond urban areas in East Africa.
- This invasive plant obstructs the free movement of wildlife and can smother the native plants.
- This plant is included in the Global Invasive Species Database which is generally termed as GISD.
- This plant is very harmful to human beings, animals and the environment.
- So many countries including Australian states of New South Wales and Queensland consider this plant as extremely harmful.
- This plant is not listed as a noxious plant in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.