List Of Vegetables
- About Veggies Seasons
- Absinthe Interesting Facts
- Ahipa Nutritional Values
- Akudjura Various Uses
- Amaranth Health Benefits
- American Pokeweed
- Aniseed Myrtle Properties
- Aonori Summary
- Apple Mint Uses
- Arame Medicinal Uses
- Arracacha Nutritional Value
- Artichoke Nutrition Values
Arugula Health Summary
- Asarabacca Various Uses
- Asparagus Healthy Eating
- Avocado Nutrition Benefits
- Bamboo shoots
- Basil Nutrition Guide
- Beans Beneficial Properties
- Bean sprouts
- Beet Greens Nutrition Facts
- Beets Health Benefits
- Bishop’s weed Various Uses
- Bitter Gourd Nutritional Value
- Black Beans Benefits
- Blue Fenugreek Various Uses
- Boldo Medicinal Values
- Bok Choy Health Benefits
- Borage Greens Medicinal Purposes
- Bottle Guard Aspects
- Broccoli Health Properties
- Broccoflower Nutrition Guide
- Broccoli Raab Nutrition Values
- Broadleaf Arrowhead Health Benefits
- Brussel sprouts Nutrition Summary
- Burdock Health Benefits
- Cabbage Health Facts
- Camas Health Benefits
- Cantaloupe Nutrition Guide
- Canella Uses
- Carrots Health Properties
- Cardoon Nutritional Value
- Carola Summary
- Cassava Health Properties
- Catnip Oil Benefits
- Catsear Flower Uses
- Celeriac Nutritional Value
- Celery Health Benefits
- Chard(Swiss & red)Nutrition Values
- Chaya Nutrition Facts
- Chervil Properties
- Good King Henry
- Chickweed Health Benefits
- Chickpeas Nutrition Summary
- Chile peppers Health Benefits
- Chinese Artichoke Uses
- Chinese Broccoli Nutritional Valu
- Chinese cabbage Nutrition Values
- Chinese Mallow Aspects
- Chives Nutrition Guide
- Chrysanthemum Leaves Uses
- Cicely Unknown Benefits
- Cinnamon Myrtle Medicinal Value
- Collards Nutrition Facts
- Common Purslane Benefits
- Corn Health Values
- Corn Salad Interesting Facts
- Cress Medicinal Values
- Cucumber Health Benefits
- Culantro Leaves
- Curry Leaf Tree Origin
- Collard Greens Nutrition Facts
- Dabberlocks Interesting Facts
- Dandelion Health Benefits
- Dill Health requirements
- Drumstick Nutritional Value
- Dulse Health Benefits
- Earthnut Pea Properties
- Eggplant Nutrition Guide
- Elephant Foot yam Health Benefits
- Elephant Garlic Uses
- Endive Medicinal Properties
- Ensete Health Benefits
- Epazote Properties
- Fat Hen Interesting Facts
- Fingerroot Uses
- French Sorrel Health Facts
- Garlic Nutrition Values
- Gim seaweed Uses
- Ginger Flower Properties
- Ginger Medicinal Values
- Golden Samphire Aspects
- Greater Plantain Medicinal Uses
- Green onions Health Facts
- Green peas Nutrition Values
- Hijiki Nutritional Aspects
- Holy Basil Leaves
- Horseradish Health Benefits
- Onions Nutrition Guide
- Sea Beet Aspects
- Sea Lettuce Health Benefits
- Yam Nutritional Value
- Yarrow Medicinal Uses
- Zucchini Health Guide
- Veggies by seasons
- Veggies did you know??
- Comparison of veggies!!!
- Veggies and it's origin
- Comical View of Veggiess
Veggie Picks
About Veggies
In daily use, a veggie is any parts of a plant that are consumed by mammals as food. The word vegetable can be defined in two words that is, "culinary" and "cultural tradition". The actual meaning of the word vegetable is to describe all types into two major categories. They are "vegetable kingdom" and "vegetable matter".
A Vegetable plays an important role in diet. Most of them are low in fat and calories but they are filling in nature. They provide fiber content which are the important sources of vitamins, minerals, and other elements. Most importantly they provide essential vitamins like vitamin A, C, and E. They are found to reduce the incidence of cancer, stroke, cardiovascular disease, and other chronic ailments..
veggies with its seasons
The population of veggies is increasingly growing all over the world. These vegetables contains high levels of nutrition and other essential elements. Boiling of vegetables after slicing it is considered to be the best option,still eating them raw is the best option. In this website it gives you a detailed information about various scientific name, selection and storage, botanical information and nutritional values of vegetables. Nuts and seeds have various nutrient elements which also act best for human diet.Various nuts like cashews, almonds, peanuts and chestnuts which are cultivated throughout the world provide best of nutrients to the body.
Veggies-Home Remedies
This veggie can be grown in pots. It prefers sun and damp soil. The bulb part of this vegetable is edible. These bulbs are picked in autumn. The health benefits of having this vegetable are, it is antiviral that it fights with the properties of cancer. It helps to overcome cold, flu and bronchitis. It has anti-fungal properties which are good in combating fungal skin diseases such as athletes' foot and ringworm.
2.Horse Radish
This vegetable is a perennial plant that can grow in large containers and they can be harvested in autumn. The edible part of this vegetable is its roots. The benefits of having this vegetable is to soothe aching joints and muscles when made into a balm. It also stimulates the digestive system and lessens the serenity of colds and cough by clearing the nasal passages.
This veggie prefers a full sun and dry soil to grow. It is a fast growing veggie but not a frost tolerant. The leaves of this veggie are edible. The health benefit of this vegetable is that, it is rich in vitamin E and omega-3. It is also used to treat gastric, liver ailments as well as arthritis
This is a creeping perennial; it prefers to grow in boggy soil or shallow trenches and light shade. The aerial part of the vegetable is edible. This vegetable is rich in vitamin A, B, C, E and minerals such as iodine, iron and phosphorous. It contains properties called PEITCs and sulphurophanes which used in fighting against cancer. These properties encourages cancerous cells to self-destruct, also builds a natural defense against carcinogens. It is also used to treat arthritis and can be used for skin and eyes by making it as a tonic. It also promotes good health
This veggie likes to grow in a rich and well-drained soil under a sunny position. It is easy-to-grow vegetable. The aerial part of this vegetable is edible. It is a vitamin-rich vegetable. It improves digestion and treat diseases of the colon. Vegetable
The conditions preferred to grow by this vegetable is full sun, lots of water, compost and mulch.thr stem and seed. It is anti-inflammatory, taken for gout, anxiety, arthritis and to aid sleep. It is also a good diuretic
Chilies can be easily grown in pots it likes dry soil and sunny climate. This vegetable is often used to describe an angry nose that turned to be red. It is used as an antiseptic, analgesic, tonic and stimulant genus.
It is a tropical plant that prefers a lighter sun shade. It is also possible to grow in pots. It is just that it must be kept in dry winter. The parts used are its roots and rhizome. It is a anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antibacterial properties. It is also as a tonic for disorders of liver and of liver and to heal wounds. It is also used to treat arthritis, allergies, skin conditions such as psoriasis and high cholesterol.
Representation of its Nutrients

Consumption of vegetables is an important criterion for a healthy diet. The main food group of vegetable provides fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Motivating young children to increase their intake from this type of food groups often is a challenge for elders. Parents will know that children will become fussy and picky eaters when they dislike the vegetables and making meal times a struggle.

Nuts and Seeds
Nuts and seeds are rich nutrients. The fatty acids in nuts and seeds helps to lower the bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. Also helps in preventing coronary artery diseases,breast, colon and prostate cancers.It controls high BP.
Nuts and Seeds with its Seasons
As it goes by the saying that survival of the fitest,this also can cbe applied to food we eat to stay healthy also to provide long life.
Majority of the vegetables used today are low in calories and saturated fats. Information provided in this website will make you surer of what you are consuming and helps you choose your right vegetable according to your health requirements.

Do You Know?
We do celebrate international veggies day on June 17th.This is one more way as a reminder to stay fit. Well!! it is easy to celebrate this day, just ensure that you eat healthy and stay strong