List Of Vegetables



There are nearly Eight categories of vegetables that people consume everyday. Each category of vegetable is nutritious in many ways. The Health benefits and some of the vegetables are discussed below.



The Leafy vegetables are nothing but the plant leaves that can be eaten as a part of vegetable. There are many kinds of leafy vegetable which is high in nutrition and differ in cooking methods.
There are nearly more than one thousand plant species whose leaves are edible and contains more health benefits. Woody plants of various species also provide edible leaves. Some examples of leafy vegetable are spinach,lettuce, mint, and kale.
Leafy vegetables contain typical nutrients of plants and are considerably rich in fiber. Due to photosynthesis processes the Vitamin K level of leaves are notably high. The dark colored leafy vegetable is high in nutrients. It also helps in improving digestive problems, balances cholesterol level, helps in treating anemia, boosts energy level and also increases life span. There are many health benefits in consuming green leafy vegetables.
Presence of high nutrients and health benefits the leafy vegetables are considered as primary food and are consumed in high quantity. .



The lists of vegetables that are technically fruits with seed-bearing structure grow from the ovary of the flowering plant. They are pulpy and are seed-rich bodies that grow in a vine.
There are many species in this category that are edible to the human and are high in nutritional content. Some examples of fruiting vegetable are Eggplant, Pumpkin, Squashes, Tomato, etc.
They are rich in Calories compared to leafy vegetable and also rich in Vitamin C. It is loaded with vitamins, minerals and fiber. It prevents from chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease. People eat this category for maintaining healthy diet.



Podded vegetable are type of fruit vegetable and are known as legumes. The pods of the plant are eaten as vegetable. The green peas and nuts are considered to be the pods of the plant.
Some vegetables like peas, corn, and pulses are eaten as seeds. In some cases the plants like okra, snap peas, and French beans are eaten as a whole. Vegetables are grown and eaten as seeds.
In olden days, this category is aid to be poor man's food. As time passed it is included to the daily diet of most people. The pods and seeds contain the highest source of proteins and carbohydrates. The protein provided by this category provides energy to carry out daily activities.



The fleshy roots of edible plants are consumed as vegetable. The underground part of plant is used as vegetable, which is rich in nutrients.
Root vegetables are considered as important ingredient in folk medicine. It is primarily used as food diets in many countries for more than thousand years. These categories are eaten raw or as stews, juices or roasted. They have supported undernourished people worldwide.
The important reason for eating root vegetables is that for its health benefits. There are many vital nutrients found in root vegetables like vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and dietary fiber. It also helps to fight against cancer, diabetes, obesity, and inflammatory-based disorders like heart disease and arthritis.
Some of the root vegetables are sweet potato, potatoes, yam, carrots, radish, and beets etc. Root vegetable provides variety of nutrients which helps in maintaining healthy diet.



Bulb vegetables are vegetables that are not eaten directly rather used for food dishes to enhance the flavour of the food. The texture of this category is a short stem with fleshy leaves or leaf bases that function as food storage organs. It is also called as ornamental bulbous plants.
Bulbs are short rounded buds that grow underground to store food for the plant. Fleshy structures are surrounded by layers fleshy leaves. Some of the bud vegetables are onion, garlic, chive, shallot, leek, and scallion.
It helps in preventing from cardiovascular disease, lowers the risk of cancer, helps in improving lung function in asthmatics, reduce blood pressure and have more health benefits. These category vegetables have antibiotic, antiseptic, antimicrobial and carminative properties that help you to stay away from infections.
The bulbs are usually aromatic vegetables that are used in food dishes for its flavour. The edible part of this type is the bulb of the plant where the nutrient content is stored.



The stems of the plants are used as vegetables. Although other categories of vegetables contain some amount of stem tissues the term is used here for the vegetables which are primarily grown above-ground stems.
This category is considered to be healthy to eat. They are prescribed to be added as everyone's daily diet. The stem vegetables provides number of advantages like maintains bone health, helps to improve the eyesight, looks after your organs and much more. All forms of stem vegetables are highly nutritional whether raw, cooked or steamed.
Some examples of stem vegetables are asparagus, artichokes, bamboo shoots, sugar cane, nopal etc. The stalks and leaves of the plant are consumed as vegetable. They are highly nutritious and we acquire a proper balanced diet.
The important fact of stem vegetables is that they should not be over cooked or else they may lose their nutrients.



Flower vegetables are edible flowers in some plants that are considered as vegetable. It is so called because they have the shape of flower. They look like many flower buds clustered together.
Some of the Flower vegetables are broccoli, cauliflower, herbs, wild cabbage, banana flower, and anise flower etc. These flowers vegetables are edible to humans and also provide a healthy life.
The health benefits of flowery vegetable is that it acts as anti-inflammatory, immunity booster and it prevents from diabetes, cancer and other diseases. It also helps in boosting your brain function
People love to be young and this category helps to maintain healthy skin and acts as anti-aging.



Tubers are form of edible vegetables that grows at the base of roots. They store nutrient in form of starch. This type of vegetable is capable of producing a new plant. A single part of tubers can produce many tubers.
The health benefits of these vegetables are notably high. They contain high source of vitamins, minerals and calcium. They are lower in calories. It helps in building immunity and a good source of sugar.
Some of the tuber vegetables are Jerusalem artichoke, yam, crosne, potato, taro, jicama, cassava. They are highly energy efficient vegetable.
Tubers are simply a group of plants that develop starchy roots. They are crunchy and most liked by children too for e.g. Potato.

Nuts and Seeds
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